Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Some people think that the more we know, the more we discover, the more the mystery in life begins to fade. I disagree, instead I think it inspires wonder and even more imagination. This is what happened with the discovery of the human genome. It was a huge landmark in discovering how things work in the human body, but it also brought a new appreciation for the complexity, with this appreciation and complexity came new and more complex questions. Questions that spark more wonder and more mystery in how things work. We have in no way answered all the questions or are we even close, and as we continue to learn and discover I only hope we realize the mystery and wonder of this incredible universe God gave us. He is the ultimate mystery, so great that our minds will never fully comprehend. We will constantly search but never fully know how great he is, why he does things, or how he works, but we strive to learn. That is what keeps us going, that is what we long for, the knowledge of who God is and how he works in us.

Ezekiel 15:11
"Who among the gods is like you, O LORD ?
Who is like you—
majestic in holiness,
awesome in glory,
working wonders?"

God thank you for being so much greater than we could ever imagine. That is what makes the journey so marvelous is how incredible you are. The more we learn the more we are just amazed at your goodness and grace. Thank you for this incredible ride. I cannot wait to learn more, and continue to be amazed.

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