Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Health: Mind, Body, and Soul

Everyone makes New Year’s resolution and mine was to weigh 125 by my birthday, April 28. I started off well, waking up early, working out every day, and eating healthier, but then I got sick. A sinus infection, bronchitis and pneumonia did not make working out worth my time, so I took a break. However by taking this break I got out of the habit of going and am now in the processing of figuring out a good time to hit the gym. With 19 hours this semester, this task seems almost impossible, but I will figure it out because it is important to me to get in shape. Also in PE we have to keep a behavioral journal. I have decided to evaluate and change my habit of mindless eating. Whether watching TV, studying or just being bored I have noticed that I eat when I have nothing to do. This is not a good habit if I’m trying to lose weight, so I’m going to stop. Last night was hard, but I decided that instead of doing homework at my desk, I would work on my bed. This took away my easy access to the food and helped me focus on my studies. I love eating healthier, and cannot wait to start enjoying my healthier lifestyle of eating moderate proportion, working out more, balancing my social life, and keeping up with my studies.

1 Corinthians 6: 19-20 Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.

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