We are all constantly bombarded with advertisements. Some use bright colors, some use pretty people, and some use both. This Revlon advertisement does just that. Jessica Alba is perfect, and women everywhere want to be her, making her the perfect candidate to sell their product. She has definitely made a name for herself as she has been in multiple movies and shows. Besides, she is gorgeous with her dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, clear tan skin, perfect teeth, and luscious lips. Wait, that’s what they’re selling! Lipstick. The ad itself was set up brilliantly. Using a dark, dramatic background, allowed Jessica to stand out which is exactly what Revlon wants to get women to think this product will do for them. Then they use a dark red lipstick which makes her lips pop even more, drawing attention to their product. Honestly, looking at this ad makes me want to buy lipstick. If only I looked this stunning with it on. Oh, the wonders of advertisement. Now no one would consider this lying would they? They used a real person, a real product, and real facts. Or did they? It comes down to presentation. Yes, Jessica is a real person, but the girl in the ad is all done up. Very few of us have a personal make-up artist with us every day. The product is lipstick yes, but is it always that shiny, and will it look that good on you? That picture took less than a second to take with the perfect lighting and precise flashes. Now to the facts. Does lipstick really have the “feather-light feel you’ve been dreaming of” with “elasticolor technology that hugs lips with a burst of weightless color?” I guess the only way to find out is to try it, and then you’ve already bought their product. So, do you look as good as Jessica when you wear it? Honestly, probably not, but we don’t live in a world of reality. We live in a world of fiction that will allow us to think yes we do and hence we will continue to buy their product. The producer has won and the consumer looses once again, but then again it’s what we want isn’t it?
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