Although that story is recent to my blog, it was sent out over Facebook April 9th. Recently there have been some changes. My friend’s dad is not doing well. Although we were sure of physical healing it appears now that in a few days he will experience the ultimate healing as he will be free from his physical body and will be able to worship our heavenly father without restraint. Wow that is something God is teaching me. I think I know what is best, but his plan is so much bigger and better than I could ever have imagined.
Jeremiah 17. Cursed is the main who puts his faith in men. Blessed is the man who puts his faith in God. The heart is deceitful. Oh God heal my heart. Help me put my faith in You and that one day You will provide all that I need. Matthew 6. Psalm 27: 13-14. Make my heart and willing to accept your will for my life. You give and you take away, boys. You give and you take away, my youth. You give and you take away, friends. You give and take away, health. You give and you take away, everything I once held dear so that I count it all as lost. God lead me to the cross because you are not like the grass who withers and fades but your love last forever. Isaiah 40.
Then I turned the page in my Journal and I read something I wrote earlier but apparently skipped a page so I found today. “So today Im in a funk, too much on my mind. God help me focus on you and only you. Take away the distractions and show me your truth. Matthew 1:18-25; 6:5-18,25-34; 7:7-8; 8:23-27; 9:9,16-17; 21:21-22.” Ha. Thanks God for that reminder. Please do take away so that I don’t have any distractions and that you are what I hold dear. Forgetting the former things, not dwelling on the past because you are doing a new thing! Praise be to the Lord, the author and finisher of our faith. What do I put before God? God show me what you have given me that I hold on to too tightly and TAKE IT AWAY! God help me make you my everything.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
K so I have a crazy story. God is so much better than I could have even imagined! The other night I was supposed to be studying for a test. I got on facebook and began to talk to a friend of mine who recently became a Christian. She was telling me about all God was doing in her life and so I shared it with my friend X. X’s dad had cancer, the kimo cured it, then it came back and now the doctors say there is nothing they can do. She says it’s cool because she is able to see who in her family is trusting in God through this, her little brother even asked her if she believed in healing. HA. This is where it gets good.
X has the words live, faith, and hope on her wall. She said she woke up in the middle of the night the other day and all she could see was God telling her to have FAITH and HOPE her dad will LIVE. If only the story stopped there. I asked her if she believed, she said sometimes yes but not really because it’s not logical. I told her I’m the same way. We talked about the man who asked Jesus “if you can heal my son” and Jesus says “if I can, everything is possible for him who believes.” Just like the boy’s father, X and I begged God to help us overcome our unbelief. He is the God of the universe, if he wanted to move the tree in front of Panera he could, if he wanted to heal X’s dad he could. We decided to head to the beach. While we were there X told me, the day she found out her dad was sick again she sat in her car and held her bible to her face as tears streamed down her face. “Why did I have my bible? Oh that’s right I was going to go to revival.” I began to laugh. God is so good. While she was sitting in the car hearing the worst news of her life, 400 Christians were asking God to move at revival. 1 in particular called me during it leaving the song “Let God Arise” on my voicemail. The night before, I had told this girl that I would be fasting and praying for her friend’s mom who had cancer because “I am ready to see God heal, I am ready to see God save, I am ready to see God move like we have never seen him before.”
We began to get chilly so we headed to the car, a minute down the road rain began to fall, then it stopped. We thanked God for letting us get to the car, and then asked if he was going to let it rain if he could at least wash all the pollen off. As we laughed and just enjoyed how good God was the rain began to fall and I turned up the radio… “and the cancers gone,” were the words that came through the speakers. NO LIE. She looked at me and goes “what is happening!” for some people it would stop there. Not for me and X. We came home and went to bed. The next morning I woke up and went to my 8 o clock. I walked by the first car and all of sudden realized “no pollen.” For some that would seem stupid, but it no longer mattered how, but instead it was all about the timing. God was so good! When I got back from class I ran into X again.
For the past few months she’s been seeing 9:11 everywhere, whether it was the time, how many coins in a jar, or a scoreboard. When I saw her she asked me to guess when she woke up “9:11” we laughed and I walked into my room. On my desk sat my bible so I picked it up asking God if it was really that simple. I checked Matthew, nothing important. I checked Mark, nothing. I checked Luke 9:11 “but the crowds learned about it and followed him. He welcomed them and spoke to them about the kingdom of God, and HEALED THOSE WHO NEEDED HEALING!”
X has the words live, faith, and hope on her wall. She said she woke up in the middle of the night the other day and all she could see was God telling her to have FAITH and HOPE her dad will LIVE. If only the story stopped there. I asked her if she believed, she said sometimes yes but not really because it’s not logical. I told her I’m the same way. We talked about the man who asked Jesus “if you can heal my son” and Jesus says “if I can, everything is possible for him who believes.” Just like the boy’s father, X and I begged God to help us overcome our unbelief. He is the God of the universe, if he wanted to move the tree in front of Panera he could, if he wanted to heal X’s dad he could. We decided to head to the beach. While we were there X told me, the day she found out her dad was sick again she sat in her car and held her bible to her face as tears streamed down her face. “Why did I have my bible? Oh that’s right I was going to go to revival.” I began to laugh. God is so good. While she was sitting in the car hearing the worst news of her life, 400 Christians were asking God to move at revival. 1 in particular called me during it leaving the song “Let God Arise” on my voicemail. The night before, I had told this girl that I would be fasting and praying for her friend’s mom who had cancer because “I am ready to see God heal, I am ready to see God save, I am ready to see God move like we have never seen him before.”
We began to get chilly so we headed to the car, a minute down the road rain began to fall, then it stopped. We thanked God for letting us get to the car, and then asked if he was going to let it rain if he could at least wash all the pollen off. As we laughed and just enjoyed how good God was the rain began to fall and I turned up the radio… “and the cancers gone,” were the words that came through the speakers. NO LIE. She looked at me and goes “what is happening!” for some people it would stop there. Not for me and X. We came home and went to bed. The next morning I woke up and went to my 8 o clock. I walked by the first car and all of sudden realized “no pollen.” For some that would seem stupid, but it no longer mattered how, but instead it was all about the timing. God was so good! When I got back from class I ran into X again.
For the past few months she’s been seeing 9:11 everywhere, whether it was the time, how many coins in a jar, or a scoreboard. When I saw her she asked me to guess when she woke up “9:11” we laughed and I walked into my room. On my desk sat my bible so I picked it up asking God if it was really that simple. I checked Matthew, nothing important. I checked Mark, nothing. I checked Luke 9:11 “but the crowds learned about it and followed him. He welcomed them and spoke to them about the kingdom of God, and HEALED THOSE WHO NEEDED HEALING!”
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Fact or Fiction

We are all constantly bombarded with advertisements. Some use bright colors, some use pretty people, and some use both. This Revlon advertisement does just that. Jessica Alba is perfect, and women everywhere want to be her, making her the perfect candidate to sell their product. She has definitely made a name for herself as she has been in multiple movies and shows. Besides, she is gorgeous with her dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, clear tan skin, perfect teeth, and luscious lips. Wait, that’s what they’re selling! Lipstick. The ad itself was set up brilliantly. Using a dark, dramatic background, allowed Jessica to stand out which is exactly what Revlon wants to get women to think this product will do for them. Then they use a dark red lipstick which makes her lips pop even more, drawing attention to their product. Honestly, looking at this ad makes me want to buy lipstick. If only I looked this stunning with it on. Oh, the wonders of advertisement. Now no one would consider this lying would they? They used a real person, a real product, and real facts. Or did they? It comes down to presentation. Yes, Jessica is a real person, but the girl in the ad is all done up. Very few of us have a personal make-up artist with us every day. The product is lipstick yes, but is it always that shiny, and will it look that good on you? That picture took less than a second to take with the perfect lighting and precise flashes. Now to the facts. Does lipstick really have the “feather-light feel you’ve been dreaming of” with “elasticolor technology that hugs lips with a burst of weightless color?” I guess the only way to find out is to try it, and then you’ve already bought their product. So, do you look as good as Jessica when you wear it? Honestly, probably not, but we don’t live in a world of reality. We live in a world of fiction that will allow us to think yes we do and hence we will continue to buy their product. The producer has won and the consumer looses once again, but then again it’s what we want isn’t it?
Some people think that the more we know, the more we discover, the more the mystery in life begins to fade. I disagree, instead I think it inspires wonder and even more imagination. This is what happened with the discovery of the human genome. It was a huge landmark in discovering how things work in the human body, but it also brought a new appreciation for the complexity, with this appreciation and complexity came new and more complex questions. Questions that spark more wonder and more mystery in how things work. We have in no way answered all the questions or are we even close, and as we continue to learn and discover I only hope we realize the mystery and wonder of this incredible universe God gave us. He is the ultimate mystery, so great that our minds will never fully comprehend. We will constantly search but never fully know how great he is, why he does things, or how he works, but we strive to learn. That is what keeps us going, that is what we long for, the knowledge of who God is and how he works in us.
Ezekiel 15:11
"Who among the gods is like you, O LORD ?
Who is like you—
majestic in holiness,
awesome in glory,
working wonders?"
God thank you for being so much greater than we could ever imagine. That is what makes the journey so marvelous is how incredible you are. The more we learn the more we are just amazed at your goodness and grace. Thank you for this incredible ride. I cannot wait to learn more, and continue to be amazed.
Ezekiel 15:11
"Who among the gods is like you, O LORD ?
Who is like you—
majestic in holiness,
awesome in glory,
working wonders?"
God thank you for being so much greater than we could ever imagine. That is what makes the journey so marvelous is how incredible you are. The more we learn the more we are just amazed at your goodness and grace. Thank you for this incredible ride. I cannot wait to learn more, and continue to be amazed.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Amazing Grace -- Chris Tomlin
Amazing grace how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now I'm found
Was blind, but now I see
'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear
And grace my fears relieved
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed
My chains are gone, I've been set free
My God, my Savior has ransomed me
And like a flood His mercy reigns
Unending love, amazing grace
The Lord has promised good to me
His word my hope secures
He will my shield and portion be
As long as life endures
My chains are gone, I've been set free
My God, my Savior has ransomed me
And like a flood His mercy reigns
Unending love, amazing grace
My chains are gone, I've been set free
My God, my Savior has ransomed me
And like a flood His mercy reigns
Unending love, amazing grace
The earth shall soon dissolve like snow
The sun forbear to shine
But God who called me here below
Will be forever mine, will be forever mine
You are forever mine
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now I'm found
Was blind, but now I see
'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear
And grace my fears relieved
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed
My chains are gone, I've been set free
My God, my Savior has ransomed me
And like a flood His mercy reigns
Unending love, amazing grace
The Lord has promised good to me
His word my hope secures
He will my shield and portion be
As long as life endures
My chains are gone, I've been set free
My God, my Savior has ransomed me
And like a flood His mercy reigns
Unending love, amazing grace
My chains are gone, I've been set free
My God, my Savior has ransomed me
And like a flood His mercy reigns
Unending love, amazing grace
The earth shall soon dissolve like snow
The sun forbear to shine
But God who called me here below
Will be forever mine, will be forever mine
You are forever mine
Freedom in Christ
So today I woke up, still in a funk. I didn’t understand. I have so much stuff to do and no time to do it. 19 hours and finals are going to be the death of me. Finally I decided to put on my Ipod and God spoke to me through my friends CD. “I feel an inch away from death, but no one ever knows, because I don’t let it show, all my strength is gone, all my hope is gone, all hope but one. In my weakness it is far more clear to me, in my failure its far more clear to me, in my selfishness its far more clear to me, when I can’t stand myself it’s far more clear to me, just who you are and what you did for me.” WOW. So true. I just need to live this life God has given me and glorify him in everything I do. That is all I can do, so I will let go and give up this burden that is holding me back from living life and trust God to get all this done. “I can’t wait until you walk me through those gates Halleluiah, I can’t wait until you walk me through those gates halleluiah, I can’t wait until you walk me through those gates halleluiah” So I am choosing to give it up and cast my burdens upon my God who cares for me.
Jess Ray and the Rag tag Army
Haha and the Ipod continues to play. Another of Jess’s songs: beep, beep, beep another day, wake up and try again, went to bed defeated woke up bruised and beaten, no new thing for me, im comfortable in my losing streak, I’m sure I’ll get it right this time with one more try, so here’s to my trying, goodbye, so hears to my trying, goodbye. Ding ding ding another fight, more than sure i’ll win tonight, my skin is tougher this time, as long as I can focus my mind, push a little bit harder stretch just a little bit higher, should get it this time one more fight, but I’m losing my mind, wasting my time, so here’s to my fightin, goodbye, so here’s to my, so hears to my, so here’s to my trying, GOOD BYE. So here’s to my fighting GOODBYE…cause there’s no reason to try for something that’s already done and there’s no reason to fight for something that’s already won.
Praise the Lord. My battle has been fought, my battle has been won, and now it I will praise God without hindrance, trusting that He will allow me the time to accomplish all that I have to get done.
Jess Ray and the Rag tag Army
Haha and the Ipod continues to play. Another of Jess’s songs: beep, beep, beep another day, wake up and try again, went to bed defeated woke up bruised and beaten, no new thing for me, im comfortable in my losing streak, I’m sure I’ll get it right this time with one more try, so here’s to my trying, goodbye, so hears to my trying, goodbye. Ding ding ding another fight, more than sure i’ll win tonight, my skin is tougher this time, as long as I can focus my mind, push a little bit harder stretch just a little bit higher, should get it this time one more fight, but I’m losing my mind, wasting my time, so here’s to my fightin, goodbye, so here’s to my, so hears to my, so here’s to my trying, GOOD BYE. So here’s to my fighting GOODBYE…cause there’s no reason to try for something that’s already done and there’s no reason to fight for something that’s already won.
Praise the Lord. My battle has been fought, my battle has been won, and now it I will praise God without hindrance, trusting that He will allow me the time to accomplish all that I have to get done.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Today was weird. Honestly not sure what I did. I felt so unproductive. I woke up wrote a couple of blogs, then went to my class, ate lunch, went to more class, then the gym and then apartment hunting. That was stressful. My dad lost his job back in December, so I need somewhere cheap. My roommate Sam and I went to this one place: OUT OF OUR PRICE RANGE! As I was getting discouraged, I called my friend and asked her about her place. She basically told me that although it was in my price range, I should not live there because of the roaches and how horrible the owner was with fixing maintenance problems. Great. So I can't afford somewhere nice, and the place I can afford has roaches and maintenance problems. With discouragement welling up within me, Sam and I decided we needed dinner. Over dinner I was honest with her about how money was tight, she said she understood and that we would keep looking. We stopped by Brookstone Village. It was in our price range and still nice, so even if we don’t end up at Brookstone, we had a good heart to heart conversation where we could both be honest with each other and compromise, realizing that there are still more options to look into. God has a plan for me and Sam next fall. We just have to trust him.
Matthew 6:25-34
25"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 26Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life[b]?...31So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' 32For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own
God I have so much to do. Please help me to not stress, but rather focus and get it done, not worrying about housing or everything else that is on my plate. Help me to give it all to you, and as you get it all done according to your plan help me give you the glory.
Matthew 6:25-34
25"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 26Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life[b]?...31So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' 32For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own
God I have so much to do. Please help me to not stress, but rather focus and get it done, not worrying about housing or everything else that is on my plate. Help me to give it all to you, and as you get it all done according to your plan help me give you the glory.
In December my dad lost his job. Now his life consists of interview after interview, application after application, and constant searching. This weekend when I went home I asked him about photography. My dad and I love photography, and the two of us have taken pictures for longer than I can remember. I decided since neither one of us really knew that much about how to get recognized or noticed we should try it all. This weekend I started a flickr account. Photography has always been a hobby of mine and something I really enjoy. I love working with the framing, the lighting, and the subject, adjusting them to my liking in order to tell the story I want to tell. I love it. As an artist, I frame it the way I want in order to tell my story. However, that story will be different for everyone else who looks at my work of art. That is the beauty of art: interpretation. My photo will speak to me one way and maybe to you another leaving the true meaning of the artwork up to the eye of the beholder. Well if beauty is in the eye of the beholder how am I suppose to take pretty pictures of pretty things that other people will like? I’m not. I have no idea what you like. I just have to take pictures that say what I want them to say, and then let people interpret how they may. So that is what I’ve done, let me know what you think!
The Environmental Issue from Hell
Is global warming a moral dilemma? Is it the public policy problem from hell? McKibben is wise to use phrases like these. By discussing hell and morals, your mind is already equating it with two heavily debated issues and beginning to question their existence and how we should deal with them. As for existence he chooses to discuss how global warming “will creep up on us.” He goes on to discuss the slight changes that are taking place and how we “live lives so divorced from the natural world that we hardly notice these changes.” He’s right. Not only in choosing the word divorce which everyone has heard and in some way or another experienced, but also elaborating and explaining about parking garages and air conditioning. Then he goes on to discuss how to deal with global warming since it is indeed creeping up on us, and that he says is the moral question: do “we owe any debt to the future.” By wording it this way, McKibben asks if we owe them anything. No, we don’t just like we weren’t owed anything, however, he then goes on to discuss how “we would loathe the generation that” did not react. Loathe is such a strong word, but I think it gets his point across. People, Americans especially, are so quick to judge however they only look through their own perspective lenses. McKibben is asking for us to take a step back and look from someone else’s point of view which as an author is a brilliant idea. He is asking them to be open minded and look through someone else’s eyes with the hope that it will be his.
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