So this Saturday I went with my friend Cameron to take a photo shoot. We both love photography and are always the ones taking pictures so we decided it would be nice for once to get our pictures taken. We grabbed a camera and put our creative minds to work. It was awkward at first since we are never the subject of the photos but eventually we just cut loose and had fun. Goofing around on railroad tracks, in the woods, and just odd spots around the house proved very beneficially to our artwork, and allowed us to get to know each other better as friends. Our friend Margaret joined us when we went to the tracks, and helped inspire our now fading inspiration. After hours of photographs and full memory cards the sunlight began to fade and we called it a day. Back at the house, I cracked my Psychology book and began to do homework. WAIT! I HAVE AN ESSAY DUE IN ENGLISH THAT I WAS SUPPOSE TO OBSERVE FOR! The plan had been for all of us to go Contradancing, but I didn’t have time. I had to go spend time observing Starbucks. So I told them while they went and enjoyed a night of dancing I would have to sit it out and stop for coffee. I never would have predicted my findings. I walked in with my laptop and just began to observe. Couples, friends, co-workers all shared one common theme…exhaustion. I guess I’m not the only one who had a long week and needed a cup of coffee. As I sat and enjoyed the relaxing atmosphere, I began to notice how tired people really were. People only half listened to their friends, stared off into space, and struggled making decisions about the rest of the nights plans. Decisions and actions that required energy, something no one had. One kid put it perfectly in his call to his mom “Mayfair is dead right now.” I guess the long week had caught up with everyone, and we all just need time to relax.
Genesis 2:2 By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.
Come on people, God lead by example. REST! Lets stop running ourselves ragged and just enjoy living life instead of always rushing and wishing our lives away.
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